
Building a Multi-Cloud CLI Tool: The Journey of CloudCrafter

January 7, 2025

3 min read

CloudCrafter: Simplifying Multi-Cloud Resource Management


Managing resources across multiple cloud platforms can be challenging, especially when dealing with diverse interfaces, APIs, and tools. Enter CloudCrafter, a CLI tool designed to simplify the provisioning and management of cloud resources. Available on macOS, Windows, and Linux, CloudCrafter empowers developers and DevOps engineers to work seamlessly across AWS, Azure, and GCP (starting with AWS support).

The name CloudCrafter was inspired by Minecraft, a game known for building and creativity, aligning perfectly with the tool’s purpose of “crafting” cloud infrastructure. Built with Golang for its performance and concurrency capabilities, CloudCrafter is automated through a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions. It is also easily installable via Homebrew for macOS users.

Getting Started


To use CloudCrafter, you’ll need the following CLI tools installed on your system:


For macOS, installation is straightforward with Homebrew:

brew tap Omotolani98/cloudcrafter
brew install cloudcrafter

Verify Installation

Once installed, verify it using:

cloudcrafter -h

This will display the available commands and flags, confirming that CloudCrafter is ready to use.

Provisioning Resources

CloudCrafter supports a straightforward workflow for provisioning resources. The first step involves generating a YAML configuration file, which serves as the blueprint for resource creation.

Step 1: Generate a YAML Configuration File

Use the following command to generate a configuration file interactively:

cloudcrafter generate-yaml -o ~/path/to/config.yaml

Command Breakdown

Step 2: YAML Configuration

A sample YAML file might look like this:

provider: aws
  - vm:
      type: vm
        image: ami-123456
        keyName: MacBook Air
        machineType: t2.micro
        name: my-new-server
        region: us-east-1
        securityGroups: sg-123456, sg-654321
        subnet: subnet-123456
  - storage:
      type: storage
        bucketName: my-new-bucket

Understanding the YAML

  1. Provider: Specifies the cloud provider (aws, azure, or gcp). Currently, only AWS is supported.
  2. Resources: A list of resources to be provisioned, each with:
    • Type: Defines the resource type, e.g., vm (virtual machine) or storage.
    • Properties: Configuration details for the resource, such as region, instance type, or bucket name.

Step 3: Provision Resources

Once the YAML file is ready, use the following command to provision resources:

cloudcrafter provision -f ~/path/to/config.yaml

This will parse the YAML file and create the specified resources.

Managing Resources

CloudCrafter also provides commands to manage existing resources.

List Resources

To list resources for a specific provider and type:

cloudcrafter list -p aws -r vm

Command Breakdown

Delete Resources

To delete a specific resource:

cloudcrafter delete -p aws -r vm -i <resource-id>

Command Breakdown


Building CloudCrafter has been an incredible learning experience. From diving deep into cloud SDKs to implementing robust CLI features, every step was a journey in crafting a tool that simplifies multi-cloud management.

While AWS is the only supported platform at the moment, plans are already underway to integrate Azure and GCP. With its extensibility and ease of use, CloudCrafter aims to be the go-to CLI for DevOps engineers and developers.

If you’re looking for a streamlined way to manage your cloud resources, give CloudCrafter a try. Your feedback and contributions are always welcome! 🚀